Wednesday, 23 December 2009

CF Decides To Hire Looe Road Park to A Language School

Yet another CF/SDNP surprise announcement at an EPW meeting.
CF/SDNP organised a meeting with a language school, based in St.David's Hill, with a view to the school hiring the football pitch in Looe Road Park for use by their international students.
The pitch hire had been discussed, presumably with the blessing of Exeter City Council's Park's Department, to allow the language school use of this community facility for a fee.
Once again there had been no consultation with community representatives regarding this proposal and it was announced at an EPW as a 'done deal'.

Whilst in principle there was no objection to this proposal, despite the total absence of community involvement re this decision (again!), concerns were expressed to CF/SDNP/SL/EPW as to how this may affect the use of this area by the youngsters of our community. As was becoming the norm, these concerns were brushed aside as irrelevant.

As far as I am aware the pitch was never used by the language school. No doubt this 'exercise in community involvement' would have been publicised as CF/SDNP/SL/EPW 'forging links with other community-based organisations'. The fact that those of the community most affected by this agreement had not been involved in discussions was viewed as of no significance by CF/SDNP/SL/EPW.

Sunday, 20 December 2009

'Comisca'....Or Should It Be 'Commisar'?

'Commisar' - As defined in the 'Free Online Dictionary'

"A person who tries to control public opinion", and
"An official ........... in charge of political indoctrination and the enforcement of party loyalty".

Both St.David's Neighbourhood Partnership and the relatively new Exeter Community Centre web-sites are designed and 'managed' by 'Comisca'. I have been informed, rightly or wrongly, that Comisca is a business managed/owned by Kelvin Lacey, Chair of St.David's Neighbourhood Partnership. If this is true it is reassuring to see that there can be no possible 'conflict of interest'. I'm sure that Kelvin will be able to confirm this, or otherwise.

It would also appear that emails directed through the 'Contact Us' link on the Community Centre website, that are posted to admin@ etc., go directly to Kelvin Lacey for his personal attention before, presumably, all being forwarded to the Community Centre staff. Given SDNP's proposals for the future of the Community Centre, is this acceptable? Why isn't there a clear and direct email contact from the Community Centre website to the staff?

Requests to Comisca to change the Community Centre website, so that it includes a direct email contact with the staff, have been ignored.

It should perhaps be noted that much of the information on the Centre website is incorrect and outdated, even the room-hire rates are wrong.