Friday, 13 November 2009

Meetings - How to Get What You Want From Them

An easy one this, and a strategy used by SDNP and EPW on a regular basis.

1. Crush any 'dissenter' at the earliest possible opportunity and let these 'upstarts' know precisely who is running things. It is, however, important not to discourage the 'rebels' too much, after all, 'cannon fodder' is essential in any battle, as is the necessity to present the 'token gesture of community representation/involvement'.

2. Organise meetings but don't actually tell anyone but the 'inner circle'.

3. Requests to arrange meetings, so that crucial contributors can be present, must be ignored, particularly if they are failing to follow the EPW/SDNP ' mission'. Exclusion must extend to Councillors and representatives of relevant Exeter City Council departments or any other organisation that might question the 'mission statement' or the behaviour of those that seek its implementation.

4. With particular reference to Exeter Parks Watch - Refuse to acknowledge any complaints re the way they conduct themselves, even if this means excluding written statements from the 'disenchanted', that are specifically requested to be included in the minutes of the meetings. Shame on you EPW and SDNP, so much support offered that was little more than 'lip-service'.
5. Discourage any personal initiatives. The only good ideas have to come from the Chair or their 'allies'.

Initially I felt some sympathy for Susan Lawrences' (Chair EPW) situation. It appeared to me and other community reps that she had reluctantly become involved in Looe Road Park and would subsequently suffer the 'fallout' from the actions of, specifically, Christine Fraser and, generally, St.David's Neighbourhood Partnership.

However, any sympathy that I was experiencing soon disappeared following Susan's visit to my home to discuss my 'concerns' and a 'satisfactory resolution'.

Tsk! Tsk! Susan Lawrence, browbeating and threats, and in my own home, shame on you! You said, basically, " Toe the line, or else". How disrepectful and irresponsible. It turned out that your threats were not 'idle' ones. If by chance you read this Blog it will become clear that your actions, and inactions, will be exposed.

Do you recall the 'Film Shows in the Park' that EPW claim were such a success? Your failure to satisfactorily engage/consult with our community regarding the choice of films? Oh dear, not quite the success that you are happy to have everyone believe, was it? I will be subsequently posting more information re this event. You even have the audacity to list this fiasco as an EPW achievement.

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