Sunday, 6 December 2009

Hannah Reynolds Emailed Response to My Letter Recently Published in the Express & Echo.

Email begins -

Whilst I was grateful to see, from your letter to the Express and Echo, that you continue to support the Community Centre, I was shocked that almost all your facts are completely wrong. Where do you get the idea that doctors are not interested in creating a surgery at the Centre, or that there’s only going to be one community room for hire?

This is absolute nonsense – and peddling it in the newspapers just damages the efforts of other people in your community who have been working unselfishly for years to try and secure the centre for community use.

Why would you write these things without actually knowing what’s going on?

I’m not going to write back in the press – it just gives a semblance of credibility to your comments . If you’d like me to brief you about what is actually happening in the fight to save the centre, please do get in touch. I’m happy to do so.
Email ends.

My Comments -
"Whilst I was grateful to see, from your letter to the Express and Echo, that you continue to support the Community Centre...." Clearly the irony and specifics of this comment were wasted on you. I support the Community Centre, but not SDNP's future involvement in it. I do not believe that SDNP are suitable re the control of the Centre for the benefit of the Comunity. I base these opinions on the negative experiences of myself and my immediate community and your failure to address the questionable activities of your Partnership representatives when concerns have been brought to your attention. Surely as Chair of SDNP you are responsible for your Committee's actions? Or perhaps not, I have brought the actions of Christine Fraser to your attention on several occasions and ech time you have chosen to ignore them.
"I was shocked that almost all your facts are completely wrong". Really? If my facts are 'completely wrong' then I invite you to set out precisely your plans for the Community Centre to clarify the situation. By this I do not mean 'ifs', 'buts', and 'maybes', I mean specifics, not some vague concept of what 'might be' couched in your usual 'best for the community speak'.

"Absolute nonsense"? You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. Your usual reluctance/refusal to provide convincing evidence to support your proposals offers no reassurance and answer none of my questions.

"I’m not going to write back in the press – it just gives a semblance of credibility to your comments" . Of course you are not, it is nothing more than I, and others would expect, based on the previous actions of SDNP and its representatives.

Finally, for now at least, "working unselfishly for years". If this particular comment wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious. Suffice to say, I will add no further comment for fear of adding a semblance of credibility to this ridiculous statement.

The posts on this Blog details perfectly SDNP's unselfish contribution to the community.

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