Thursday, 3 December 2009

My Recently Published Letter to the Local Newspaper

This letter was written in response to yet another article relating to SDNP's proposed takeover of the control of the Community Centre that implied that part of their plans would include a doctors surgery. So far there is no evidence to support SDNPs claims that a surgery will be an integral part of their proposals, despite frequent requests for them to provide adequate confirmation.
Hannah Reynolds (SDNP Chair) responded personally to me by email and it will be copied above in this Blog.

Dear Letters -
Re your article – “Community Centre in Peril Without Funding” (Express & Echo, 3rd November).

Whoever takes control of the ‘Community Centre’ the community loses.
The Exeter Community Centre Trust plans, I note, include a Doctor’s Surgery. Has this been officially confirmed, is it to be a proper full-time surgery, or will it work at reduced hours? Will it provide a full range of medical services to the community as is expected at any Health Centre? My understanding is that prospective GPs had already visited the Centre and clearly expressed their disinterest in being involved. The police also declined a permanent stationing of officers at the Centre. I would be more than happy to be corrected on either of these matters.

St.David’s Neighbourhood Partnership’s/Exeter Community Centre Trust’s original plans only allowed for one single room for community hire, the majority of the building being effectively for startup businesses and ‘hot-desking’. I have also been informed that the existing playgroup are hoping to take over the only room that would be availabe for hire, as a new site for the playgroup and, presumably, this will effectively make the room unavilable for daytime hire usage by other groups. Assuming SDNP do take control, precisely what space will be available for community hire? The Community Centre is beginning to sound considerably more like a Business Centre than a true Community Centre. These are serious and relevant questions that need to be answered.

If the Community Centre is sold for redevelopment perhaps a condition of approval for the Planning Application could be the inclusion of adequate facilities for the Playgroup? Perhaps the building could be converted into single/multiple occupancy social housing units, there is certainly a definite shortage of such accommodation. Student accommodation could be another option.

Rest asured, whatever the outcome, I will continue to offer the same level of support that I always have.

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