Saturday, 16 January 2010

Community Facility - The Sequel

Given the 'knee jerk' rejection of our original proposal by ECC Planningfor the siting of a community facility in Looe Road, on land offered for free use by Cornerstone Housing, and the possibility of their providing suitable insurance cover, an alternative proposal was suggested by Lower St.David's Community Association.

Our second option was to site a mobile classroom within Looe Road Park itself, on an unused area at the Tavistock Road end of the park. These plans were considerably more ambitious than our original proposals and included a disabled toilet facility. As a Community Association we believe that the inclusion of a toilet would encourage greater community involvement, from all areas of Exeter, including St.David's Primary School.

Lower St.David's Community Association have formed a community Gardening Club and part of our remit was to create a 'veggie patch' adjacent to the proposed community facility in which the youngsters would grow their own vegetables. Water from the roof of the mobile classroom would be collected and used to water the produce. It was also our intention for the children to 'soft landscape' their new Kabin with various plants to reduce the impact on the park.

Yet again our proposals were rejected on the basis of "loss of valuable green space", by Parks, and by Planning based on , "impact on the properties that overlook the park".

Both Parks and Planning are unable, or unwilling, to accept that a survey, carried out by Lower St.David's Community Association, made it clear that 99% of the residents support our proposals, including those residents that overlook the park.

Again, LSDCA's proposals were rejected by Parks and Planning, despite the obvious benefits that the provision of a community-based facility would contribute to the future well-being of the residents within Lower St.David's.

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