Friday, 30 December 2011

Mission Statement - Read This First

When you have finished browsing this Blog why not post a comment here or, alternatively,visit to see just how far the rot extends.

I have only included this mission statement because it seems to be essential when discussing really, really, very important matters! Thanks for 'dropping by' and, hopefully, participating in, this exposure of the self-seeking organisations and individuals that infest the City of Exeter, Devon. This Blog has been created to detail some of my experiences since I have become a resident of this City and involved in a wide variety of community issues.

Much of the focus here is on the actions of St.David's Neighbourhood Partnership and their representatives, specifically Christine Fraser's, disgraceful and unacceptable behaviour, and relates to this organisation taking control of the local Community Centre and, effectively, converting it into little more than a Business Centre. The Community Centre, currently valued at about £500,000, has been 'gifted' by Devon County Council to the newly formed Exeter Community Centre Trust, plus an additional £200,000 to renovate the 'shell' of the building. Funding of £1.2M is to be provided by the Community Builders funding provider for the refurbishment of the interior. Other costs have been incurred by Devon County Council (the Taxpayer) in relation to the Community Centre and these will be included in due course. (EDIT: Estimated costs to Devon County Council, the taxpayer, range from £30-50,000, possibly higher).

The actions/inactions of Exeter Parks Watch also get the occasional mention!

This is a 'no holds barred' site but, difficult though it may be, please try and refrain from the use of foul language. I will also be highlighting the 'Orwell Factor'.
I have derived the Blog name from 'Cerberus', the 3-headed dog that guards the gate to Hades and George Orwell's book '1984'. If you Google these references, individually, you will see the obvious relevance.I welcome any reponse, particularly from named individuals and organisations, and the poor unfortunates that have had the misfortune to try and deal with them.

If the experiences of myself, and the community in which I live, are not to be repeated elsewhere, it is essential that a procedure be implemented whereby concerns such as those detailed below can be dealt with effectively and efficiently. It is obvious that a serious review of co-operation between communities, councils and other involved organisations is also needed to establish a fairer and more evenly spread distribution across the City of services and funding. Focusing on 'flagship' projects, at the expense of those viewed as less 'worthy', is unacceptable.

There are many people in Exeter that work very hard to increase community involvement, both inside and outside official organisations, and these I salute for their continued dedication. It is regrettable that the attitudes of some others, and their preference to ignore anyone that raises concerns, in the hope that they will give up and go away, is both arrogant and counter-productive.

I hope that 2010 will be the year that their negativity will change. It's time to 'walk the walk' not just 'talk the talk' regarding greater community/council co-operation.

An apology. Unfortunately, have introduced a problematic pagination presentation within their systems. As a result you, the reader, are unable to scroll to the bottom of this page and progress up through the posts as they have been entered. To date there are about 70 posts. To gain a better 'overview' of my experiences it is recommended that you, a)use the Blog archive on the right of the page,click on 2009, or, b) start at the bottom post on this page, click the 'older posts' link to take you take you back to the very first post, and 'work your way up'. It may be necessary when you reach the top of each subsequent page to scroll down to the bottom again and click on the 'newer posts' link.
This will enable you to share in my 'joys' of community involvement.

Please feel free to share this site with anyone that you think may be interested.


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