Tuesday, 22 June 2010

'Community' Meeting

I attended a community meeting at which Susan Lawrence, Chair of Exeter Parks Watch (EPW) and St.David's Neighbourhood Partnership p(m)uppet/automaton, focused on her main mission in life and, ignoring contributions from others present, attempted to raise the profile of herself and EPW.
Also present at this meeting were husband and wife committee members of a community centre based in a different part of the City to my own. This lovely couple, that have freely devoted many years of voluntary service to 'their' community centre, were expressing concerns re difficulties they may have in paying fuel bills that had arisen due to the prolonged Winter/cold weather. Despite the unanticipated 'cold snap', they had continued to provide the regular bingo etc. sessions for their elderly community and were worried about how they would pay the inevitable additional costs of heating provision.
Not to worry - I'm sure that that they were reassured to hear from Susan Lawrence that EPW had, in their infinite wisdom, raised and spent £50,000 of funding to purchase two (oak?) trees that were used in the creation of a shelter and bench, by the local youngsters, in Heavitree Park.
All very commendable, but....

Susan, your lack of tact and diplomacy is already well documented but, not to worry, I'm sure that you believe that informing this couple, struggling to make ends meet, were absolutely thrilled to hear of this £50,000 expenditure. Sadly, I think that you really believe that informing this genuinely caring couple of this use (waste, some would say) of money was something to be proud of. It isn't.
As per the norm for Exeter, it's more about personal ambition than sensible application.

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