Recent Comment from Christine Fraser to Cornerstone tenant + my responses in blue.
"Your Housing Association (Cornerstone), by the way, is the same one which failed to act effectively over a similar situation in Looe Road a couple of years ago - the drugs family was finally evicted." The eviction referred to was not drugs related and was as a result of other anti-social behaviour. Still, not to worry Christine, you have never been one to let the true facts interfere with your perception of reality, have you.
"but people's lives had been made miserable for 2 years! When we found out, we started to look into it AND managed to get a meeting with Rick Williamson (Chief Executive of the housing association)". Christine, is there no end to the crap that you continue to spout to inflate your ego and feelings of self-importance? Your comments might gain a little credibility (but, given your penchant for lying, I doubt it) if you could at least manage to get the name of Cornerstone's CEO correct. Big deal, you had a meeting with the CEO of Cornerstone. For what it's worth, so have I but, unlike you, I don't feel the need to try and impress people with it. What you failed to mention is the fact that you were informed that the Looe Road eviction was none of your business and, effectively, 'keep your snout out of it'.
It took us (and I'm on Exeter Parks Watch, too) Odd point to make, this one. Given some of the other posts on this blog re Exeter Parks Watch, and your involvement with this 'organisation', you somehow believe that mentioning this is a positive, the council, the police (super) and eventually the housing association to resolve the matter. Presumably, constantly telling yourself, and others, this will somehow make it true. It isn't, you were not instrumental in this eviction. But this won't do. OK, so I managed to get a £1,000 community
award (Bless your generosity of spirit) for the resident who had taken a lead in that battle but that was no compensation for what everyone had been through. Tsk! Tsk! Christine, yet more recycled lies and misrepresentations of the real world and actual events. The £1,000 community award had nothing to do with this eviction. Of course, lying has become a natural part of your rather charmless persona. What you forget is the fact that you need , as is included in the Mythomania post, a good memory to satisfactorily perpetuate your distorted view of reality.
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