Friday, 9 July 2010

A Voice In The Wilderness? Apparently, Not For Much Longer!

I have been contacted by a small group that describe themselves collectively, and with no small degree of understatement, as 'The Disenchanted', with a view to their using some of the posts included in this Blog. Not exactly a 'groundswell' but more a ripple, but then isn't that how a tsunami starts, with a ripple?

My experiences with a wide range of organisations and individuals across Exeter specifically, and the UK generally, have been a revelation, most of which haven't yet been touched upon by this Blog. Clearly, my own experiences are/have been mirrored elsewhere across the City and the UK. Perhaps now is the time to expand the remit.

1 comment:

  1. Your experiences are not unique to the UK me old mucker - Here in Oz we have our fair share of self serving, self aggrandising slackers who hold public roles and have no interest in serving the public good. I say weed em' out and banish em' to the Big Brother house & Amway sales where they rightfully belong!
